
Is your team beginning to use Kubernetes for container orchestration? Do you need guidelines on how to start transforming your organization with Kubernetes and cloud-native patterns? Would you like to simplify software container orchestration and find a way to grow your use of Kubernetes without adding infrastructure complexity? Then this is the course for you!

In this course, we will discuss some of Kubernetes’ basic concepts and talk about the architecture of the system, the problems it solves, and the model that it uses to handle containerized deployments and scaling.


At remoteX we train people on Kubernetes. Below is the course insite.

  1. Docker

    a. Introduction to Container Technology
    b. Container VS Virtual Machine
    c. Introduction to Docker and its Architecture
    d. Installation of Docker Community Edition
    e. The Docker Hub
    f. Getting Terminal access to Container
    g. Managing Containers
    h. Managing Container Images
    i. Deploying Simple HTML Application (Apache)
    j. Deploying Simple Java Application (Tomcat)
    k. Creating Custom Docker Image (manually)
    l. Creating Custom Docker Image (through Dockerfile)
    m. Optimizing Dockerfile Builds
    n. Exposing Container Through Node Port
    o. Make Service to Run on Container Start-up
    p. Manage External Volume Inside Container
    q. Container Linking and Communication
    r. Comprehensive Review
    s. Assignment

  2. Integration of Docker Hub and Git Hub

    a. Building Docker Image form Hub itself.
    b. Configuring Automated Build
    c. Triggering Automated Build through Git Hub

  3. Kubernetes

    a. Container Orchestration
    b. Introduction to Kubernetes
    c. Kubernetes Architecture
        i. Master Node
        ii. Master Node Components
            1. API Server
            2. Scheduler
            3. Controller Manager
            4. etcd
        iii. Worker Node
        iv. Worker Node Components
            1. Container Runtime
            2. Kubelet
            3. kube-proxy
        v. State Management with etcd
        vi. Assigning a Unique IP Address to Each Pod
        vii. Container-to-Container Communication Inside a Pod
        viii. Pod-to-Pod Communication Across Nodes
        ix. Communication Between the External World and Pods

d. Installing Kubernetes – Minikube
e. Installing Kubernetes – Multi-node Cluster
f. Kubernetes Building Blocks
    i. Kubernetes Object Model
    ii. Pods
    iii. Labels
    iv. Label Selectors
    v. Replication Controllers
    vi. Replica Sets
    vii. Deployments
    viii. Namespaces
g. Services
    i. Connecting Users to Pods
    ii. Services
    iii. Service Object Example
    iv. kube-proxy
    v. Service Discovery
    vi. Service Type
        1. ClusterIP and NodePort
        2. LoadBalancer
        3. ExternalIP
h. Deploying a Stand-Alone Application
i. Kubernetes Volume Management
    i. Volume Types
    ii. PersistentVolumes
    iii. PersistentVolumesClaims
j. Deploying a Multi-Tier Application
k. ConfigMaps and Secrets
l. Using a ServiceAccount
    i. Accessing the API Server From a Pod
        1. From the outside of the cluster
        2. From the inside of the cluster
    ii. Using the Namespace Default ServiceAccount
    iii. Anonymous call of the API server
    iv. Call using the ServiceAccount token
    v. Using a Custom ServiceAccount
        1. Creation of a ServiceAccount
        2. Creation of a Role
        3. Binding the Role with the ServiceAccount – RoleBinding
        4. Binding the Role with the ServiceAccount – ClusterRoleBinding
        5. Using the ServiceAccount within a Pod
m. Ingress
    i. Ingress Controller
    ii. Deploy an Ingress Resource
    iii. Access Services Using Ingress
    iv. Using Ingress Rules to Access an Application