
OpenShift Container Platform (formerly known as OpenShift Enterprise) is Red Hat’s on-premises private platform as a service product, built around a core of application containers powered by Docker, with orchestration and management provided by Kubernetes, on a foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

At remoteX we train people on OpenShift. Below is the course insite.


  1. Overview of Container Architecture

    a. Containerized Applications
    b. Advantages of Containers
  2. Overview of the Docker Architecture

    a. Docker Architecture
    b. Docker Core Element
    c. Containers and the Linux Kerne
    d. Docker Container Images
  3. Describing Kubernetes and OpenShift

    a. OpenShift Terminology
    b. Kubernetes Keywords
    c. Kubernetes Resource Types
    d. OpenShift Resource Types
    e. Networking
  4. Creating Containerized Services

    a. Building a Development Environment
    b. Developing with Red Hat Container Development Kit
    c. Developing with a Local OpenShift Cluster
  5. Provisioning a Database Server

    a. Finding an Image on Docker Hub
    b. Fetching an Image
    c. Creating a Container
  6. Managing the Life Cycle of Container

    a. Docker Client Verbs
    b. Creating Container
    c. Running Commands in a Container
    d. Managing Containers
  7. Managing Container Images

    a. Manipulating Container Images
    b. Transferring a Container Image
    c. Saving and Loading Images
    d. Publishing an Image to a Registry
    e. Deleting Images
    f. Modifying Images
    g. Tagging Images
  1. Creating Custom Container Images

    a. Building Custom Container Images with Dockerfile
    b. Base Containers
    c. Using CMD and ENTRYPOINT Instructions in the Dockerfile
    d. Using ADD and COPY Instructions in the Dockerfile
    e. Image Layering
    f. Building Images with the docker Command

  2. Deploying Containerized Application on OpenShift

    a. Installing the OpenShift Command-line Tool
    b. The oc Command-Line Tool
    c. Core CLI Commands
    d. Creating Applications Using oc new-app
    e. Useful Commands to Manage OpenShift Resources
    f. Creating Applications with Source-to-Image
    g. The Source-to-Image (S2I) Process
    h. Image Streams
    i. Building an Application with S2I and the CLI
    j. Resources Created by JSON Definition File
    k. Build Process
    l. Relationship Between BuildConfig and DeploymentConfig
    m. Creating Routes
    n. Working with Routes
    o. Finding the Default Domain
    p. Creating Applications with the OpenShift Web Console
    q. Accessing the OpenShift Web Console